One of our purposes is to make some materialsavailable on this page for you to use in your family life. We are working for the moment to translate some of these materials (into romanian); in the meantime we hope you will search on internet to find some. If there is anything that looks useful (and free for use) don’t hesitate to send an email to share these materials with us. In this way we will be able to recommend these materials to others.
Their are many resources for family life on the internet. But sadly there are many traps on the world wide web in which those who do not take care will fall. Our advice is to always check the sourse behind the material you want to use and knowing fullwell that not everything you find can be taken as absolute truth, but as ideas, theories and advice that you may or may not follow. Test these materials by God’s Word, and only if they pass, continue to use the respective resourses!
Here are some websites where you can find good materials that you can use (sorry but some of them are just in romanian): – a ywam website with family resouces – another ywam website with family resouces – you will find hundres of recommended sites that can be used in different activities and domanins – a website dedicated to students, but has a section where articles about sensitive topics that, in general, family mermbers confront – the oficial website of ACCR (the asociation of christian counselors in Romania) where you can find articles about counseling and more by using the forumn to request advice from experienced counselors who may sustain you in any spiritual problem you may confront