
Eivind & Wenche Bye
Au o vasta experienta in lucrarea cu familii.

Nicu & Roxana Nicolaescu
Tel: 0770638152
Dorinta noastra de a ne implica intr-o lucrare cu familii a aparut in timpul DTS-ului (SIU).

Suntem casatoriti din vara anului 2009, si avem un baietel pe nume Lukas.
Inca din copilarie Dumnezeu, ne-a vorbit individual in legatura cu chemarea noastra la misiune. In prezent lucram in Medias cu organizatia Tineri Pentru Misiune.
Avem pe inima dorinta de a lucra cu familii, pentru ca acestea sa fie incurajate, sa fie restaurate pentru ceea ce Dumnezeu a intentionat pentru familii.
Ca si familie, noi credem ca si copii au valoare in misiune si Dumnezeu ii poate folosi si pe cei mici. (Beni, Daniela si Lukas)

Aaron and Ana Stafford
Aaron grew up in a small town in northern California. Ana was born and raised in the heart of Romania. In 2002, God brought us together from opposite sides of the world and we began working together at Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In 2007, after a very long and hard adoption process, we joyously welcomed our precious daughter, Emma, into our lives.
God has called our family to help Romanian families discover the truth of His love and the joy of relationship with Him. We long to see the hearts of husbands and fathers turn towards their families, for wives and mothers to find their worth and value in Christ, for the abandoned children to be defended, protected and embraced, for Romania to rise up and be all God intended her to be!